Recordings and Documents of Presbytery Gatherings Workshops

The Presbytery Gathering webinar, 2025 Pastors' Medical Plan Options, hosted by Rev. Christine Long, our regional Board of Pensions Church Consultant, on August 13 and August 20 is not available as a recorded webinar.  If you have specific questions regarding the 2025 benefits, you are encouraged to make an appointment with Christine ( or reach out to the Board of Pensions Member Services.

Conducting a Financial Review Workshop Part II, R&R Committee,
June 26, 2024

Handouts from Finanancial Review Workshop Part II

Property Use & Lease Agreements Presentation Video, Michael Glass, Esq, May 28, 2024

Vital Congregations Presentation Video, Rev. Veronica Cannon, PMA, April 27, 2024

      Vital Congregations PowerPoint Presentation, Rev. Veronica Cannon, PMA 

A Conversation about Pastor Compensation
March 5, 2024 PowerPoint and four documents

Conducting a Financial Review Workshop Part I, R&R Committee, Feb 27, 2024

      Financial Reporting PDF of Power Point Slide Deck Feb 27, 2024

R&R Clerk & Moderator Workshop, Presbyterian Historical Society, Oct 17, 2023