Ariel Mink
Associate Presbyter and Stated Clerk
The Rev. Ariel Mink, Associate Presbyter and Stated Clerk, has served the Presbytery of the Redwoods since May 2020. She has served as the interim Pastor at the Presbyterian Church of Novato. Ariel has been active in our Presbytery for several years, serving on the Presbytery Council, Committee on Ministry, and Committee of the Preparation for Ministry. Ariel is a lifelong learner and has three advanced degrees (MDiv, Business Administration, Library Science, and Knowledge Management) as well as an undergraduate degree in English Literature. Ariel lives in Novato with her husband, David. Their adult daughter, Sierra, lives in Boston.
Eric M. Beene
General Presbyter
The Rev. Eric Beene, General Presbyter, has served the Presbytery of the Redwoods since September 2020. He has served as pastor to congregations in Savannah, Georgia, and Boston, Massachusetts, and prior to seminary he worked as a community organizer and program manager for a non-profit community development organization. He received his Master of Divinity from Harvard University in 2001 and his Bachelor of Arts in Communication from Lewis and Clark College in 1995. Eric lives in Windsor with his wife, Mary, who is the pastor of Windsor Presbyterian Church, and their teenage son, Isaac.
Joy Auste
Administrative Associate